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October 29, 2004

Kirk Triplett on Vijay Singh

"When Tiger was playing great, they wanted to know about Tiger. When Vijay is playing great they want to know about Vijay. I don't know Vijay. He's on the practice range, I'm goofing off. How am I going to get to meet him?" Kirk Triplett

I do find Kirk Triplett's comment amusing, but at the same time, why isn't Kirk Triplett out at the range more often? Perhaps you'd actually win more if you weren't such a goofy bastard Kirk. Hey Kirk: Perhaps you should follow Vijay's lead, after all, he is #1.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If he wants to screw around let him... there is more to life than being #1 in the golf world. He made a lot of money this year... enough to live comfortably, golf and mess around.

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