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July 05, 2004

Ames wins, brother is furious

Stephen Ames won the Cialis Western Open yesterday, but now a family fued has erupted. Older brother Willie Aames can't believe that Stephen has tried to take away his spotlight. Willie's response to his younger brother's victory was "what is his problem? I'm Tommy Bradford, I'm Buddy Lembeck, how does he think he can compete with me? Mom & Dad obviously love me more, I'm a friggin celebrity, I know Scott Baio. Doesn't he watch the reruns? I'm so funny, I make Al Pacino look like a hack."

The competition between brothers started when Willie Aames tried to one up his brother Stephen Ames by adding an extra "A" to his last name in 1976 after the 2nd season of Family. Stephen has been quoted as saying he's always been jealous of the really cool afro Willie has, but he can have the second "A".

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