Obviously one look at Sonya Toms in a bikini and you'll know why she is one of the hottest wife's on the PGA Tour.

With a wife this hot, it must be hard for David Toms to play in a lot of tournaments without taking her with him.
Here's an interesting question from a survey Sports Illustrated did of PGA Tour Players from Feb. 2003.
Who is the best-looking Tour wife/girlfriend? (Can't vote for your own.)
Dana (Tom) Byrum 23%
Elin Nordegren (Tiger Woods) 18%
Sonya (David) Toms 18%
Dawn (Brian) Bateman 9%
Jill (Per-Ulrik) Johansson 7%
Also receiving votes: Jennifer (Fulton) Allem, Jodi (Stephen) Ames, Amanda (Jonathan) Byrd, Karen (Brandle) Chamblee, Heather (Ben) Crane, Sherrie (John) Daly, Michelle (Ed) Fryatt, Tabitha (Jim) Furyk, Angela (Gabe) Hjertstedt, Missy Kretchmer (James McLean), Susan (Andrew) Magee, Mia (Jesper) Parnevik, Ashley (Hal) Sutton
Dana Byrum beat Elin and Sonya, looks like No Three Putts is going to have to find some pictures of Dana Byrum, to win by 5% over Elin and Sonya she must be hot.
There's no way that accountant-looking David Toms could get this Betty on looks alone. She must have had a good hunch that he would make it on the Tour.
Beaux-dacious. Geaux Tigers!
Anyone have a picture of Dana Byrum? If she is hotter than this woman I have to see it.
Another of Sonya:
If anybody still reads this, i want people to know that i live 2 houses down from the Byrum family, and i know how hot she is. She walks around the neighborhood all the time. She is definitely the hottest milf i've ever seen. Sadly, i have no photos of her.....yet.
A picture of Dana Byrum would not do her justice. I had the priveledge of playing with Tom in a Pro-Am event (nicest guy) and Dana walked the course and the only words to describe her are UNREAL
David is a very nice guy and sharp as a tack. I played golf against David from the age of 12 to high school graduation. He deserves everything that comes to him; including a beautiful wife like Sonya!
I went to high school w/ Sonya. She was always a sweetheart. David got himself a real fine girl.
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