How can you not like a woman who's favorite movie is Monty Python's Holy Grail? I'd prefer to look at and listen to Kelly Tilghman over Johnny Miller and Bobby Clampett anyday.
For a recent post on the Tiger Woods lynching comment Click Here.
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I agree with you, she is HOT! I'd like to see her in a 2 piece.
You guys do know that she "swings" the other way, right?
I don't care if Kelly swings both ways. I played in a pro-am with her a number of years ago and ended up "doin it with all weekend". She's was great
is this a fact that she swings from both sides of the box
Regardless whether she swings from both sides of the box or not, Kelly Tilghman is HOT!
where can you see a picture of Kelly naked?
How do you know she swings the other way?
Have you noticed she is not wearing a wedding ring any more.
how old is she ? Does she has a boyfriend and kids ?
If you can find a picture of her naked, let us know. I wanna see it.
Your blog contained issues relating to wedding disc jockey which I found quite absorbing. I would argue that wedding disc jockey matters are best left to the professionals in most cases.
I dont think you saw Elvis. It must of been a dupie(ghost) in the bush near the graveyard during the night.
Kelly Tilghman is the hottest tv personality on the golf channel. I would like to see makeup and wardrobe get her into a summer dress while doing the her broad casting, interviews with Tiger or even the Grey Goose 19th hole. She is good for the Golf channel and I hope CBS does try to get her on celebrity Big Brother 9,10,11.
Kelly looked spectacular the other evening in a basic black dress showing off her sexy legs. She is a truly "Hot" female. I seriously doubt Kelly swing from both sides of the plate..... but if she does, who cares?
I think she is terrific! Her comments are spot on.
Kelly is a lesbian, and has a big mouth
I wouldn't kick her out of bed!
After her racial comment about lynching Woods, she should be fired. Seriously, how stupid are you to make such a comment like that. That comment was beyond careless even if the meaning was unintentional. It's like me calling my friends n*ggers in front of a group of black people. i don't say it to be funny or racists, but use it in the same context as calling someone brother, but would i be that careless to say it in that situation? She's talking to a mixed audience of thousands if not millions.
Fire that lesbo!
wow her tiger woods lynching comment was really stupid
so uneducated
so stupid
she should be fired
Stupid, racist, bitch!
Interesting take on the situation:
Media members rally around boneable Tilghman
I'd eat the corn!!
It's been my experience that the person first pointing the finger and crying "racism" is usually the racist.
All you people are nuts for missing the big picture here! What exactly does Al Sharpton do for a living? He freeloads off people like this chick and Imus. I know this is hard to believe Al but not every white person is racist.Maybe look in the mirror. Leave this girl alone and go after the white supremicist on the Jerry Springer Show, like you used to do, that is much more M.O..
All she meant was they needed to tie Tiger down because he is so good, not because he is black. Kelly and Tiger are friends. If any one needs to be strung up and shot it's Al Sharpton and NOT because he is black but because he is an instagator. All he wants to do is gain publicity by turning any comment he can into a racial issue. The N word should not be used under any condition by whites or blacks if it is deemed inappropriate. As long as we have blacks can say this but whites can't there is going to be division. Same with having separate awards like Miss Black America, NAACP awards, and so on. Try having the Miss White America. Never happen. Now people that don't know a thing about this lady are accusing her of being a lesbian and calling her names. That makes those doing it no better than what they are blasting her about. She is getting the shaft because of this politically correct society crap going on.
Yea, get off Kelly's back people. All she was trying to say is that's the only way anyone on the tour could beat him, but I agree that she should have picked her words more wisely. She could have said jump him in the alley. Would that have made a difference? I think not. The racist (I mean Reverend) Al shapton would be all over her complaining about her using a gang related remark in connection with Tiger.
I can't believe she got suspended. That's bullshit. She and Tiger, her friend, didn't make a big deal about it, only the media and that idiot, Al Sharpton. I'm about tired of people being accused of racism... And this was an accusation against Kelly.
Kelly, you did nothing wrong.
I would give my entire paycheck to suck on her pretty titties.
Al Sharpton should be lynched for being the biggest racist of all, except for perhaps Jesse Jackson.
Quote by Black American: She is getting the shaft because of this politically correct society crap going on.
I'd like to give Kelly the shaft, but apparently that isn't her cup of tea.
In a few weeks it will be passed her... golf channel couldn't find another more capable broadcaster. stick it out K.
What happened to the 'Kelly is hot' thread? Can't we keep this relevant?
Kelly Tilghman said on TV that young players who wanted to challenge Tiger Woods should "lynch him in a back alley." Tell us what you think in a VOTE at http://www.kelly-tilghman.com
i give my paycheck to suck on her pretty titties even after you sucked on them. She is smokin' HOT!
Kelly is a World-Class carpet- muncher. I know, because she got to know my "back nine" quite well last year after a tourney.
Making excuses for Kelly, talking about political correctness, and calling Sharpton and other blacks racist is stupid, and proof how racist America still is. White Americans make excuses for killing black,and brown people all over the world, whenever whites don't end up on top. Her joke is not funny, and anybody who thinks it is can kiss my black a..
Kelly meant nothing by her comments...and who cares...freedom of speech...she can say whatever she wants...black people display as much racism as any other group of people...world is always against them....
Kelly is no lesbian. When she lived in Arizona before her golf channel gig, she dated my step brother. Carnal relations, folks. Now, this was back in 1994-5, so who knows now. But she was not then.
leave kelly alone!!!
Kelly Tilgman is a LESBIAN. Kelly Tilgman is NOT HOT.
Kelly is super hot and is outstanding as a golf announcer. everyone is entitled to a Mulligan or two in life...some ask for one a round. Go Kelly go !
Kelly, come play a round with Cliff.
Kelly is most assuredly the hottest woman in golf. I can't get enough of her on Golf Channel!
Ohh Oz never gave nothing to the tin man,ill think will keep it there.Say how are you hows Everything.
She is not gay. I fucked her twice in college at Duke. I am a guy!!
She also watched porn with me and got really turned on by the two chicks with this one dude. So I know she thinks like I do and is straight.
enough of tiger gives a break not every wants to see his great days and how great he is over and over again.
I sure wouldn't call her ho, I'd pop her....
Well well well ill say it like this as she harminized on my **** for about 10 minutes ****Jesus**** thank God!!! noone pulled up a Cop of pulled a swab of my **** ****ill say it like this I do not do drugs**** that swab could have came back positve for Crack Cocaine WELL Mr. Williams back to you:
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